Preacher #1: The Time of the Preacher

Road trip! The Vertiguys have gone to Texas for 1995’s Preacher #1. On the way, we’re talking about how to draw high-quality angels, recipes for quiche and chicken salad, and why you don’t want to wake the Saint of Killers.

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Hellblazer #1-2: Hunger

Leaving behind last week’s creepy country manor for the soggy streets of London, the Vertiguys get an introduction to the world’s sneakiest sorcerer, John Constantine. Join us as we marshal our ghosts and stock up on bug spray to tackle 1988’s Hellblazer #1 and 2.

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Sandman #1: Sleep of the Just

Enter the Vertiguys! For our first sojourn into the dark side of DC, we’re talking about 1989’s The Sandman #1, and getting to know Neil Gaiman’s mercurial protagonist Morpheus: King of Dreams, Lord of Imagination, Infamous Chicken Thief.

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